Lyrical Miracle–An Intra Class Competition for Class  V  (July 2024)

The Intra class ‘Lyrical Miracle’ self-composed poetry competition, was organized for Class V on 29 July 2024. The event aimed to encourage self-expression, enhance literary skills, and build confidence among young learners. The competition followed a structured format, where participants were selected through a preliminary round. Poems covered a range of themes including nature, friendship, dreams, and personal experiences. Props were creatively used to enhance the recitation and visually engage the audience. The young orators could display their speaking skills and their confidence at this interactive platform. 


FirstAshmika BharatdwajV C
SecondAlina ChattopadhyayV C
SecondKabir BhatiaV B
ThirdVivaan BhatnagarV A
ConsolationAanyaV A